Friday, March 4, 2011


 This note covers my career in biochemistry and physics.  JohnV

1. Medical School (UofMich) and Grad School (Cornell Univ) - PhD in Biophysics
2. Post-doc doing molecular biology Res - M.I.T. and Harvard
3. Professor @ Syracuse Univ - Molecular Biol research; taught biophysics and biochemistry
4. Professor @ Dartmouth College - "            "        "     ; taught biochemistry
      - numerous government and corporate grants to support many students and post-docs
      - numerous publication and invited lectures
5. Consultant to several biotech and pharma companies including Verax, Bayer and Bristol-Myers
    in genetic engineering and bioprocessing technology
6. Co-founded Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc. (MPT) based on diatom research and discovery.
7. Professor @ Medical University of South Carolina -  applications of diatom research in medicine
8. Vice President for Research & Development of MPT - developed medical products for bleeding and wound healing
9. Currently full-time Vice President for R&D with MPT.

Diatoms are microalge that convert carbon diaoxide into oxygen.

My complete resume is on my website below -